Relationship counselling or Sexual Freedom Hypnosis?

It is extremely helpful to see the couple together and separately, as part of the consultation process, this way the practitioner can gain a much better insight into what the issues are and how they individually feel about them. It also helps the practitioner decide what the client(s) need, is it sexual freedom hypnosis or do they need relationship counselling of a different kind.

Sex can act as a relationship magnifying glass, even if the sex was great the relationship might not have been in great shape, and the couple might be better to seek relationship counselling alongside or instead of sexual freedom hypnosis.

As I teach and educate my clients, it is though the understanding and insight that is gained combined with hypnosis, that makes the Sexual Freedom Hypnosis program so effective.

When a sexual relationship breaks down, the following is usually true:

·       One person feels like a “sex pest” and feels rejected often,

·       The other person feels “pestered for sex”, rather than intimacy and they feels pressured.

Part of my method of working with clients to help them understand why there might be these differences.  By uncovering where they have come from, now a “hypnotic fix” can happen and then couples can start working together, communicating better and come from a place of understanding rather than resentment, guilt, shame, embarrassment or frustration.

Love needs familiarity, Passion needs mystery and novelty.

There are common themes in sexual freedom hypnosis with couples….

• One person has a much higher libido than the other

• A person no longer finds their partner sexually attractive

• Sexual dysfunction has put a strain on the relationship

• There has been an affair

• A person in the relationship no longer feels attractive

• There is no time for sex

• Sensuality and playfulness have been lost

• Routine has crept in

• Lack of gratitude or lack of expression of it

• Something has occurred to trigger a client into a state from the past.

• Lack of connection

• Health issues, medication, children, life

• Guilt, Shame, Embarrassment

• One partner is using porn

• Comparison

• Critic and defensiveness