Clients that suffer with IBS, often suffer from deep childhood wounds

Clients that suffer with IBS, often suffer from deep childhood wounds. Wounds that were never truly healed.

It appears that when the child within you (your inner child) feels safe, resourceful, heard and secure, physical, mental and spiritual healing can begin.

These are some steps to help you right now if you are experiencing an IBS flareup:

1) Create CALM in your body & mind: breath slowly and deeply

2) Teach your BODY to feel safe: Place yourself in a safe space

3) Experience your BODY in a relaxed state: Release tense muscles.

4) Speak directly to your GUT: Say “ALL is well” “I am Safe” “Breathe”

10 things my IBS program addresses:

1. Forgiveness of self and others

2. Letting go of judgement of self and others

3. Stopping self imposed self abuse & needless punishment

4. Accepting compassion for self and others

5. Creating PEACE and CALM wherever you are

6. Releasing Negative Emotions as guilt, shame, embarrassment

7. Rewiring your brain by overwriting painful memories

8. Learning new ways to RESPOND instead of REACTING

9. Clarity about what you WANT & confidently saying YES or NO

10. Experiencing the Core State of Presence, Wholeness, Oneness

As you begin the process of healing you will be:

1) Training your Subconscious to work with you and for you

2) Teaching your Subconscious habits and positive behaviours

3) Allowing your Conscious Mind to make decisions that are in alignment with your best and highest good.

For women womb trauma seems to be the cause of many IBS flareups and for men it is to do with deep rooted fear of abandonment.

For others it just seems to come out of nowhere. This is uncommon.

Through a complete intake process, enlightenment of emotional patterns surface.

As we detached from the meaning we have assigned to past negative events and build resources, healing occurs.

Remember that you are never alone, you are divinely guided, guarded and protected.

As you remove negative trapped unprocessed emotions

You begin to FEEL safe, happy, secure and at peace.

Maya Angelou said: “What has happened to you has happened for a reason, YES it changed you but you don't have to be minimized by it.

If you are reading this message, my wish for you is that you experience divine light entering every cell of your being and that you be released from the hold of your past.

You have the power to free yourself of painful IBS flareups.

You body has been speaking to you. Listen with a compassionate ear.

It is time to awaking and experience health.