The Power of Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis

Many people struggle with the inability to feel full, leading to overeating and weight gain. This can be a source of great frustration and despair for those who are struggling with their weight. But there is hope! Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis (VGB) is an effective and safe way to tackle this problem without surgery or medication. Let’s dive into how VGB works, what it does, and how it can help you reach your goals.

What is Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis?

VGB is a form of hypnotherapy that has been developed by experts in the field of bariatrics (the study of diseases related to obesity). It works by helping people visualize a gastric band being placed around their stomach during a hypnotic trance state. This visualization helps them to reset their mindsets on food, allowing them to better control their eating habits and make healthier choices. By visualizing this procedure being done, they are able to create new associations in the mind which lead to changes in behavior.

In addition to this, VGB also uses positive suggestion techniques which help people become more mindful of their eating habits, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy techniques which help them break old habits and create new ones. Together, these techniques help people learn how to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full – something many overeaters struggle with due to a lack of knowledge or understanding about portion sizes or calories.

How Does It Work?

The process starts with an initial consultation where the therapist gets an overview of the patient’s health history, lifestyle, diet plan and goals. During this session the therapist will also get an idea of any underlying issues that could be causing emotional eating behaviors such as stress or anxiety. Once these have been established, the therapist will then begin guiding the patient into a hypnotic trance using relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or visualization exercises. While in this relaxed state, they will be guided through a series of suggestions designed to “shrink” their stomach size so that they feel fuller faster when eating meals. This helps them regulate portion sizes and ultimately lose weight over time without feeling deprived or hungry all the time – something that often happens when trying traditional diets alone.


Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis is an effective and safe way for those who struggle with overeating due to never feeling full after meals to reach their desired weight goals. Through its combination of positive suggestion techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy approaches and hypnosis-induced visualization exercises; VGB helps reset unhealthy patterns surrounding food while teaching users valuable skills that will last long after treatment ends - ultimately helping them live healthier lives free from food-related struggles! For anyone looking for an alternative approach towards weight loss, Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis may be worth exploring further!