8 Week Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Program

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8 Week Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Program


Included Eight Hypnosis Sessions

This program is intended to support you going through the mental and physical transformation process of creating your ideal body.

This program is intended to take you from your current situation towards your desired outcome. By releasing the Emotional traumas of life causing you to belief certain things about yourself, by letting go of resistance to eating a certain way, certain foods and the resistance to exercise.

Stress and hormones MAY be contributing to weight loss resistance. BUT sometimes it is just bad habits that get in the way.

This program addresses all these reasons.

Many clients feel TRANSFORMED emotionally and psychically by the end of 8 week program..

Include lifetime access to the online OnDemand weight loss hypnosis program

Sessions are one week apart. It is important that the first 3 are one week apart. Then we can make small adjustments to the frequency of the appointments.

Include lifetime access to support self hypnosis audios, craving buster and anti anxiety guided technique videos

With this Hypnosis program you will be WANTING to eat the right kinds of foods. WANTING to drink more water. WANTING to exercise. This 8 week one on one in person program includes the installation of a Virtual Gastric Band which will be reinforced each week. Each week you will learn a new step step Law of Attraction process to losing weight. In addition to all that you will receive an Emotion Code session to let go of emotional blocks.

You will begin to eat smaller portions, more slowly and consciously - just like a naturally slim person.

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