Flourish Hypnosis

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What is Gut Directed Hypnotherapy?

How Does It Work?

Gut directed hypnotherapy is what a hypnotherapist will use to work with you to identify negative thoughts and beliefs that may be contributing to your digestive issues. Once these thoughts and beliefs are identified, the hypnotherapist will help you to reframe them in a more positive light. For example, if you have negative associations with certain foods, the hypnotherapist may help you to realize that these foods are not actually harmful.

In addition to working on your thought patterns, the hypnotherapist will also teach you self-hypnosis techniques that you can use at home to ease your symptoms. These techniques may involve deep breathing or visualization exercises designed to relax your mind and body.

Does It Work?

There is anecdotal evidence that gut directed hypnotherapy can be helpful for some people suffering from IBS or other digestive disorders. However, there is currently no scientific evidence to support its efficacy. If you are considering this treatment option, it is important to go into it with realistic expectations. It is possible that gut directed hypnotherapy will provide some relief from your symptoms, but it is unlikely that it will cure your condition completely.


If you suffer from IBS or other digestive disorders, gut directed hypnotherapy may be worth considering as a treatment option. This therapy is based on the premise that the mind and gut are connected, and that by addressing the mind, we can heal the gut. While there is no scientific evidence to support the efficacy of this therapy, there is anecdotal evidence that it may be helpful for some people. If you are considering this treatment option, it is important to go into it with realistic expectations.